#141: Joren de Bruin on connecting modern day humans with a more wild, healthy and natural lifestyle.
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Joren de Bruin is Personal Freedom Coach & Guide, Speaker, Wild & Modern life bridger, Occasional Rebel & Perception Changer.
He is the co-founder of Into the Wild Within - a retreat movement which aims to bridge the modern day human with a more wild, healthy and natural lifestyle. Facilitated and supported through retreat experiences in Iceland and Sweden and events online and physically in Mallorca where he's now based.
He is a Personal Freedom Coach, who guides people into a more empowered version of themselves and their life.
He’s also a vegan turned hunter.
He’s Led over 40 self empowerment retreats and taught/inspired thousands of people all over the world into living a more self resourceful life and state of mind.
Give Joren a follow on IG https://www.instagram.com/joren_debruin/ and follow Into The Wild Within on IG https://www.instagram.com/intothewild.within/