#091: Gabrielle Brick on finding your mojo and making choices for vibrant living


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Gabrielle is a Holistic Nutritionist Specialist, Transformation, and Executive Coach; she likes to go by MOJO Coach. That is what she does. Helps people get their MOJO back.

After healing her chronic health issues, including depression and addictive patterns, Gabrielle went on to help many improve their chronic health and emotional challenges. Gabrielle helps women overcome and transform their lives through the re-discovery of their authentic selves, leading them on a journey through holistic nutrition and radical self-love.

As a truth seeker and leader by nature, Gabrielle studied directly with masters in the fields of Nutrition, Longevity, Superfoods, Herbalism, Medical Qi Gong, Psychology, NLP, Life Coaching, and Landmark.

Gabrielle was also the first person and visionary to create an artisan, raw, organic, heirloom, chocolate bar called The ONE Chocolate Bar back in 2006. Along with other first of its kind health products, they were sold online, in Whole Foods Market, and over 200 stores across the nation.

She is also a proud mother of twin boys living in the NY countryside with her sons and rescued kitties.

We talked all about her journey through the years, true-self love, the role that fear plays in our diet, and allll of the health hacks!

Give Gabrielle a follow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/gabriellebrick/ and check out some of her cool offerings on her site www.gabriellebrick.com